
Update 6, 2/10/20

SoMuchMaterials is a collection of material generators for Substance Painter to fast track hand painted looks from baked high poly models. The package currently includes these generators:

SoMuchMaterials gets 2 new generators!

  • SoMuchOverlays: Diffuse output to push color into your materials quickly!

  • SoMuchWarframe: Diffuse, Metal, Roughness, Tint and Emissive outputs.

  • SMM_SoMuchRoughness: Diffuse, Metal and roughness texture outputs!

  • SMM_SoMuchSpecular: Diffuse, Specular and Gloss texture outputs!

  • SMM_SoMuchDiffuse: Material baked down to Diffuse texture only!

  • SMM_SoMuchDota2: Diffuse, Metallic, Emissive, Specular, Glossiness, Detail, Fresnel, Rim light, and Tint Specular texture outputs specifically meant for DOTA 2 character pipeline.

Can be used in any version of Substance 2018 or newer. Presets work in 2018.21 or newer!